Carrie Underwood On Her “Hauntingly Beautiful” Song “Ghost Story”

Carrie Underwood is back with a new song “Ghost Story,” which was written by David Garcia, Hilary Lindsey and Josh Kear.

“The song is hauntingly beautiful, has a really wide range and amazing melody,” Carrie shares, noting it “just tells this really cool, cinematic story of how this guy is never going to be able to let go of the girl he let go of because she’s just always going to be haunting him.”

She adds, “I feel like it’s just a really awesome song and I’m glad they got together to think of me while they were writing one day.”

  • Meanwhile, during an appearance on Apple’s Today’s Country With Kelleigh Bannen,” Carrie gave fans a little info about her upcoming album, which so far doesn’t have a title or release date.

“It’s fun. It’s a lot of fun,” she says. “I feel like people are going to hear everything and just going to get some warm fuzzies and just, I don’t know, hopefully it’ll just make people happy to listen to.”  She adds, “It’s a very like sing into your hairbrush, in your house, in your room kind of album, which I think it’s going to translate well. I think people are going to like it.”

Source: Carrie Underwood


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