(OSKALOOSA, Iowa) – The Oskaloosa Public Library Board of Trustees will hold a regular meeting on Monday, April 23 at 4:00 PM. This is an open meeting and thus the public is invited to attend. Public input will be held at the beginning of the meeting, as well a report from the Library Director and a report from Friend’s of the Oskaloosa Public Library.
During the meeting, routine agenda items will be discussed. Committee reports will be presented by chair members Jane Ireland, Michael Collins, Judy Bishop, Merle Mann, and Chris Harbour. Committee report topics include staff, budget and finance, policy and planning, technology, as well as building and grounds.
There is no unfinished business from former meetings listed on the agenda for discussion. However, there are some new business items that will be addressed as part of the consent agenda, which enables the Board to approve the following items in one swift motion: Approval of a Shindler Elevator Corporation invoice per quarterly billing, as well as approval of an invoice from Cunningham for approved and completed work.
Regular agenda items will be addressed as individual topics. These items include: Approval of Historical Building Marker Project, approval to adopt an AED policy, and approval to pursue the use by patrons of a credit card machine so that they may pay library fees and fines electronically.
To round out the meeting, the Board will look at claims for approval and hear remarks from the Board Director.
Those requiring special accommodations are urged to contact the City Manager’s Office at least 24 hours prior to the meeting by calling 641-673-9431.
(MAHASKA COUNTY, Iowa) — MidAmerican Energy Company has announced that it has completed two new wind farms in Iowa that add 338 megawatts of wind generation capacity, with one of those farms located in Mahaska County.
According to a news release sent by MidAmerican, the Beaver Creek Wind Farm in Boone and Greene Counties as well as the Prairie Wind Farm in Mahaska County are now in operation. The 168-megawatt Prairie Wind Farm began generating electricity in the Fall 2017, with the final four megawatts put into service Jan. 2018.
Construction started in the spring of 2017, following approval by the Iowa Utilities Board in 2016.
“We’re committed to providing reliable service and outstanding value to our customers, and wind energy accomplishes both,” says Mike Fehr, vice president of resource development at MidAmerican Energy. “Wind energy is good for our customers, and it’s an abundant, renewable resource that also energizes the economy.”
The release states that MidAmerican Energy anticipates that renewable generation will equate to more than 90{99cd714f394079a7f0ed2eb1518dd31342ff3ceb5b6c267c3ad8acd5b5a7d66b} of its customers’ annual retail electricity usage by 2020.
Town Square Dental sits on the north side of the Oskaloosa downtown square and just last week unveiled their newly restored interior with a ribbon cutting ceremony. Many of the most fascinating aspects don’t just come from the first floor that has been renovated, but also what has been practically left untouched upstairs.
Upon entry into the main lobby the new front desk sticks out at you, along with all of the beautiful handcrafted woodwork that is milled from all Iowa native trees. The ceiling is the original stamped tin ceiling that is featured throughout the building.
Town Square Dental had once been under a smaller roof until the business took over the building that was previously Alan Adams photography building, the studio has since moved to the photographer’s personal property north of Oskaloosa.
Many of the exam rooms have exposed brick work and are equipped with the latest dental equipment.
In the reception area, a photograph of the original wallpaper that was beneath the stamped tin on the walls now hangs above the fireplace. A unique feature at the forefront of the area because the bricks that created the fireplace are original from the building. The walkway that connects the lobby to reception area was once a full brick wall, but the contractors had cut almost exactly where the brick was once laid when it was last patched up. The original slate flooring has been cleaned and polished in the southwest corner of the waiting room.
Dentistry cabinet from Dr. Bowie’s GrandfatherDentistry cabinet from Dr. Tom Bowie’s Father
Family traditions and small pieces of the business’ history were restored and kept in the reception area. Historical photographs from Dr. Tom Bowie’s father and grandfather were preserved and found a home on each of their original dental cabinets, which still had original medicine and tools in their drawers.
Towards the rear of the office, the hallway connecting the from lobby and reception area to the dental rooms provides guests with a miniature museum tour of what was once housed in the building. Photographs of antique dental equipment taken by Rachel Venema photography graces the wall. A collage gallery of the original stamped tin wall coverings which were found throughout the office were created by Rachel Venema and Janel Campbell.
The climax in many tours throughout the office was found toward the end of the hallway where an exposed brick wall held many memories, historical moments and signatures of those from the 1880’s. It has been sealed with a graffiti sealant to avoid smudging of the signatures, and it is definitely a focal point of the office.
“Louis A. Hohn, the town of Oskaloosa was honored in the year 1880”Many of the signatures on the wall date back to the 1880s.
Shayla Van Wyk said the office had a minor difficulty when it came to the paper trail between the old location of Dr. Tom Bowie’s office, which was house in the Mercy Medical building on North Market Street. The offices officially culminated under one roof on April 3rd.
Town Square Dental has four staffed hygienists, three doctors – including Eric De Boef, Kara Weishaar, and Tom Bowie – three full time front desk employees, four assistants and Mary Beth, who is a part-time cross-trained employee.
Many of the staff actually had a personal hand in the renovations and final touches of the office space. Staff spent some of their own time to paint or stain various rooms and fixtures.
Cary Van Kampen guided representatives KBOE/KMZN representatives Kate Sterner and Miranda Keeler upstairs, curious as to what other pieces of history and secrets the walls held.
Vintage wallpaper, high ceilings, original wood work and flooring were some of the unique aspects of the second floor. Many of the upstairs rooms had large skylights to let natural light flood into the rooms. Many of the rooms had an exterior door that led to a long hallway which divided the two sides of the building that had since been converted into a single structure.
One of the most unique rooms was what could be described as the floral room*. Signified by the 1970’s themed wallpaper, this quaint, natural-lighted room overlooked the downtown square. Filled with furniture from the same decade, it was a room lost in time. In one corner of the room lay the same antique dental equipment that was photographed by Venema and hung downstairs.
Van Kampen has many plans for the nearly 12 rooms upstairs. Condensing and renovating many of them into suites.
“We’ve heard Musco say that sometimes they could really use a furnished studio place for a couple weeks or even up to a month,” said Van Kampen.
Van Kampen intends to have three to four units in the upstairs portion of the Town Square Dental building. Other plans include creating a fitness center for employees, a board room to hold staff meetings and a rooftop patio.
This room would ideally be featured as a studio apartment with walls on wheels, stated Van Kampen.
Without getting an architect involved, Van Kampen believes the space upstairs could be converted into two larger units, one small studio and a larger studio styled unit that is equipped with walls on wheels.
The last room Van Kampen seen on the tour was a large flat that currently holds the only access point to the roof. He hopes this large room would be converted into apartment with movable walls to offer versatility and uniqueness.
Though no renovation or contract date is set in place for the second floor of the Town Square Dental building, it comes to no surprise that much of the history was preserved and remembered within the building. With the minute details and decor touches within the dental office itself, it lends itself to be a modern with a historical flair.
– Miranda Keeler, News Director
* Editor’s depiction… if given the ability to name rooms.
On Sunday, February 12th, 2017, at approximately 3 PM, deputies from the Mahaska County Sheriff’s Office were dispatched to 218 North Kennedy Street, Fremont, Iowa, regarding the complaint of a Sexual Assault with had allegedly occurred earlier in the day at this location.
The victim (an adult female) was taken to the Mahaska Health Partnership Hospital where she was treated for an undisclosed injury and then released.
During the investigation into this report, deputies located and arrested 41-year-old Chad Michael Crosby (of 218 North Kennedy Street) within the Fremont City Limits. Crosby was charged with one count of Domestic Abuse Causing Injury (a serious misdemeanor) and one count of Sexual Abuse in the 3rd Degree (a class “C” felony). Crosby was incarcerated in the Mahaska County Jail.
Crosby made his initial appearance in the Mahaska County Magistrate’s Court on Monday, February 13, 2017. Crosby’s bond was set in the amount of $15,000 for the above two charges. After posting bond, Crosby was released from custody.
As a reminder, a criminal charge is merely an accusation and all defendants are presumed innocent until and unless proven guilty.
The Dakota Access Bakken pipeline has received approval from the Iowa Utilities Board (IUB) after months of deliberating, coming in the form of a 174-page order.
Not only did the IUB approve a permit for the pipeline, but the Iowa Department of Natural Resources did as well. The Iowa DNR found no long-term environmental impact from the pipeline where it crosses public land, such as the Des Moines and Mississippi rivers.
The pipeline will run from northwestern Iowa to southeastern Iowa, and will go through multiple area counties. Mahaska County will see the most of the pipeline, with 32.54 miles. It will travel more than 343 miles through 18 counties, from Lyon County in northwest Iowa to Lee County in southeast Iowa. Area counties affected are Jasper, Mahaska, Keokuk, Wapello, Jefferson, and Van Buren.
A series of informational meetings were held in area towns and cities prior to formal hearing before the IUB late last year. Those opposed to the Bakken pipeline say there are risks to having 500,000 barrels of crude flow through an underground pipeline. Those in support of the pipeline have cited economic impacts from its construction, which some estimate could be as much as $1 billion.
The IUB did not give a specific number for the pipeline’s impact on Iowa’s economy, although it did conclude about $800 million will be brought in during the construction phase. Dakota Access will also pay between $25 million and $27 million in property taxes per year. The board also said that revenue, as well as job creation, added weight in support of the project. It has been estimated 2,000 to 4,000 jobs will be created in Iowa during construction, although only 12-15 permanent jobs will be needed in Iowa once the pipeline is finished to operate it.
Dakota Access stated it would see eminent domain to construct the pipeline if it can’t come to an agreement with landowners.
According to state officials, the pipeline will be buried in farm fields so that the top of the pipe is either 2 feet below any drain tiles, or at least 48 inches deep, whichever is lower. Dakota Access has promised to repair damage to farm fields to crops can once again be planted in the field.
The last permit for Dakota Access to get is from the Army Corps of Engineers.