(GRINNELL, Iowa) UnityPoint Health® – Grinnell Regional Medical Center underwent a cultural climate change in early 2015 by educating GRMC staff using materials from Values Coach, Inc. Then in February 2018, GRMC employees received the Joe Tye Inspired Award for exhibiting excellence in both values and culture.
“GRMC is just the third hospital in America to receive this award,” says Joe Tye, CEO of Values Coach, Inc. “And a trailblazer for many more to follow.”
GRMC welcomed 27 team members to become Certified Values Coach Trainers and also team-taught The Twelve Core Action Values to their fellow GRMC employees. Each employee has completed the two-day values course, and all new hires complete the course as part of new employee orientation. The twelve core action values are woven into every job description and account for 50 percent of every performance evaluation.
The Values Team at GRMC meets regularly to discuss ways to enhance organizational culture and operational effectiveness. More than 20 new projects were launched under the guidance of this team.
As a demonstration of how this program has changed the lives of their staff, GRMC collected more than 50 stories from employees. These will be published in a book for employees in May.
In its most recent patient satisfaction survey results from fourth quarter 2017, GRMC ranked in the 95 percentile for the question “would you recommend the hospital?” GRMC also received the top score for overall hospital rating. All of these accomplishments factored into GRMC’s receipt of the award.
“Our staff is truly amazing. The board of directors and GRMC administration wanted to invest in our employees and their satisfaction, both personally and professionally,” says Doris Rindels, interim GRMC CEO. “The Core Value program enriches our employees’ lives and creates a greater culture here at GRMC for our patients. It’s had a positive impact on our organization.”
-This information was provided in a news release sent from staff at Grinnell Regional Medical Center.