Emergency Haying and Grazing Released by CRP

Emergency haying and grazing of Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) acreage has been authorized for Mahaska County due to a D2 drought designation on the U.S. Drought Monitor.

CRP participants interested in emergency haying or grazing of CRP acreage must first contact their FSA office that administers their CRP contract to discuss options available to them. 

Applicants must meet with NRCS to obtain a modified conservation plan. Farm Owners and/or Operators interested in this emergency release must request written approval from the FSA before any haying or grazing can be granted.

Once approved for emergency haying or grazing, producers may use the CRP acreage for their own livestock or may grant another livestock producer use of the CRP acreage; however, CRP participants are not allowed to sell any hay removed from CRP acreages. Haying is authorized through August 31st and is limited to one cutting. All haying activities must be completed by August 31st and bales removed from the CRP acreage no later than September 15th.
If a CRP contract holder is approved for grazing, then livestock must be removed from the CRP acres by September 30, 2017.
For additional information regarding the emergency release of CRP for haying and
grazing, please contact the Mahaska County FSA office at 641-673- 3476, Extension 2.


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