Rozenboom responds to ethics complaint

By:  Joe Lancello

Here’s a follow-up to a story the No Coast Network told you first.  State Senator Ken Rozenboom of Oskaloosa says he’s puzzled by an ethics complaint filed against him earlier this week.  Food and Water Action and the Iowa Citizens for Community Improvement Action Fund claim Rozenboom’s support of legislation that bans undercover reporters who trespass at agricultural production facilities fails to avoid a conflict of interest.  Rozenboom responds to the complaint.

“A total shock.  I don’t understand it at all.  The idea that a state senator or any legislator votes on bills that deal with one’s employment or livelihood is, well, I guess on its face, ridiculous.  We’re a citizen legislature.

“The folks who filed this complaint base so much of their argument on a false premise. Based on these wild allegations that were made against me by this San Francisco animal rights group that proved to be unfounded by the law enforcement investigation.”

You’ll remember back in February, an animal rights complaint filed against Rozenboom by the group Direct Action Everywhere was ruled to be unfounded.

Rozenboom says when he is formally notified of the complaint, he will have ten days to file a formal response.  The No Coast Network will continue to follow this story.


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