Questions about eminent domain for acquiring airport land

By: Joe Lancello

Oskaloosa, IA – The Mahaska County Board has questions about a claim that eminent domain was used to acquire land for the proposed regional airport between Oskaloosa and Pella.  At Monday’s (7/6) County Board meeting, South Central Regional Airport Authority member John Bandstra told the Board that a trustee warranty deed filed with the Mahaska County Recorder claims the land was acquired through the use of eminent domain, which allows a government body to take private land for public use.  Mahaska County Board Chairman Mark Groenendyk explains there is a procedure that must be followed to grant eminent domain to a governing body.

“Neither one of us knew, or none of the Board knew of any time there was a letter sent out notifying the public that eminent domain would be used.  There was no public hearing for eminent domain to be used.  So there’s a lot of questions of why we’re recording warranting deeds that say eminent domain was used.  There are certain procedures. The code requires directions and things to be done in order for the process of eminent domain to even be used.  We know of none of the processes that were used.  So the concern is: why are we recording documents that say eminent domain was used?”

Progress on the airport is currently tied up in the legal system, as the Cities of Oskaloosa and Pella are suing the Mahaska County Board and several landowners are suing both Cities, as well as Mahaska County and the Airport Authority over the possible use of eminent domain.


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