OTTUMWA — The City of Ottumwa Historic Preservation Commission will host a community workshop for Historic Preservation Plan from 6:00pm to 8:00pm on Thursday March 7, 2024 at Hotel Ottumwa.
“All Ottumwa residents are stakeholders in this plan,” said Commission Chair Dennis Willhoit. “So we really hope to have strong public participation.” The purpose of the Historic Preservation Plan is to assess Ottumwa’s historic preservation policies and make recommendations for strategies that will promote preservation-based economic and community development and heritage tourism.
Workshop attendees can expect an update on planning progress so far, as well as an opportunity to share their own interests, experiences and recommendations for preservation in Ottumwa. The Ottumwa Historic Preservation Plan is being completed with assistance of the Chicago-based planning firm The Lakota Group and with financial assistance from the Ottumwa Legacy Foundation.