Following tradition, Leighton’s Independence Day Celebration will be the Friday before the 4th, which is July 1 this year. While it may hard to top last year’s celebration which was jointly celebrated with the 150th anniversary of the founding of Leighton, adding new features to what has been enjoyed in the past will make this a great day to celebrate our country’s independence and freedoms.
First of all, as with every good celebration, food will be a major part! The Leighton Lions will start serving a traditional sit-down meal at 5:00, with the ballpark concession stand also offering meals at this time. Additionally, there will be new vendors this year that will have food available during the entire evening. The parade will start at 7:30, led by the Color Guard and followed by all kinds interesting cars, tractors, floats, and groups. Before and after the parade, several free events for kids will be available, including inflatables, archery shooting, rope-making, and ball games.
After the parade, Leighton will be offering something for the first time—a free easy-listening band called “Six-Pool”. This 5-member group of instrumentalists and vocalists is from Mason City area, and will entertain with easy-listening classic tunes, both rock and country. So make sure you bring you lawn chairs and enjoy some familiar tunes in a small-town setting.
At 10:00, the signature event of the night will occur—FIREWORKS! Leighton is known for having one of the best displays in the area, with excellent viewing that allows you to be near the action. The same crew will be there as last year, and have some exciting spectacles for all of us to enjoy.
So, come to Leighton for a classic small-town celebration that involves both kids and adults as we start the weekend of celebrating our country’s independence!