Grant money available for bars and restaurants

Iowa bars and restaurants that are still struggling to stay open will soon be able to apply for grants through a new program being offered by the U-S Small Business Administration. Jayne Armstrong, director of the S-B-A’s Iowa District Office, says just because thousands of Iowans are getting vaccinated doesn’t mean the pandemic is over and many restaurants in the state remain desperate for patrons.

“A lot are still just hanging on, just barely, barely hanging on. We’re not through this yet. We always talk about ‘be loyal, buy local,’ and we’ve got to make sure those local businesses all across Iowa still have their lights on as we come out of this pandemic, so, absolutely, it’s critical.”

The S-B-A’s Restaurant Revitalization Fund will make 28-point-6 billion dollars available nationwide to the hardest-hit small restaurants.  Restaurant owners can get on the S-B-A website now to learn more about the program and see if they’ll qualify.


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