Eddyville composting plant loses its license

It appears an Eddyville composting facility that has run afoul of the Iowa Department of Natural Resources will be closing.  Iowa DNR Supervisor Kurt Levetzow tells the No Coast Network that Chamness Technology was due in court this week to appeal an administrative order that closed the facility.

“They appealed the conditions of that order and we were to go to court on April 19 & 20.  And I believe it was the 14th of April, they elected to withdraw that appeal.”

Levetzow says Chamness and the DNR will now work on a closing plan for the facility.  Chamness has 30 to 60 days to turn that in for the DNR to view.  Chamness had been in the news after the DNR and Environmental Protection Agency found the site was in violation of 12 Iowa laws since August 2021.


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