Morgan Wallen was arrested for some furniture-hurling hijinks Sunday night. Here’s what we know 24 hours later.

Late Sunday evening, a chair came flying off the sixth floor of Eric Church‘s newly-opened “Chief’s” nightclub in Nashville. The chair didn’t hit anyone (thankfully), but did land perilously close to a couple of Nashville cops, which naturally led to Wallen being taken away in handcuffs. Witnesses ID’d the singer as the chair-thrower, and security footage reportedly also led to him being identified.  Wallen was arrested on three counts of assault with a deadly weapon/reckless endangerment, two counts for the two officers who were in the vicinity and one for the danger to the public. He was also charged with disorderly conduct.

By the time the world awoke to the news that the superstar had been arrested, Wallen bonded out to the tune of $15,250, with a scheduled court date of May 3. So why did the incident happen in the first place? An eyewitness says there was nothing that led to the chair-throwing, other than excessive alcohol. There were rumors that Wallen was upset his ex-girlfriend and mother to his son had gotten married, but sources (including the ex, KT Smith) say there’s no truth to the rumor. “Although it may seem like it correlates because of the timeline,” she told “The Daily Beast.” “I have no evidence to believe the incident had anything to do with the recent marriage announcement. I cannot speak on Morgan’s behalf, but I do pray the very best for him. Praying that this was just a slip up and that he will return to the good path that he was on prior.”

Another peer who voiced concern for Wallen was John Rich. In a Tweet on X, Rich said, “Reading about Morgan Wallen this morning, and I can’t help but recall all the destructive, crazy things I did early on in my career. The combo of intense pressure, expectations and over the top success is a dangerous cocktail. Thank God I had great mentors who helped guide me out of that mindset, and I hope Morgan has some people around him who care about him enough to help him find a new approach to life. It takes a lifetime to build what he’s built, and one second to destroy it all. I’m rooting for him to turn it around.”

While there has been no comment from Wallen himself, his lawyers did issue a statement saying that he was cooperating fully with law enforcement.

Source: WhiskeyRiff


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