Lady A Wrote More Songs Than Could Fit On One Album

Lady A spent quarantine working on their last album… and since they had so much time on their hands not touring, they used all that time to write new songs. Now they have so many written that they all won’t fit on one album!

Sure, they can do a double album, but Charles Kelley shot that idea down, saying, “I personally can’t consume that much music at a time. For us though, I will say we wrote so much, and I do feel like we wrote a lot of quality stuff, that there’s gonna be a lot of songs that will probably make a future record. Cause we probably won’t be able to write this much ever again, I’m hopin’, cause we’ll be busy on the road. But I have a tough time personally consuming that much music.”

Hillary Scott agreed, and pointed out that the excess songs could be released in another way. “We’re always open to where songs can find other homes, too. Whether it’s – and this is just wishful thinkin’ – in a movie or in a TV show,” she shared. “You know, there’s definitely other ways to give these songs life, because it is hard to walk away from 35 songs when we’ve piled up so many in the process of recording. So, hopefully they’ll find their own life.”

Source: Lady A


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