Pella City Council Approves Maximum Property Tax Levy for FY24

By Sam Parsons

The Pella City Council met earlier this week and held a public hearing on their maximum property tax dollars for FY24. The maximum levy was set at $10.70 per $1,000 of valuation, an increase of $0.50 over the current fiscal year; however, the real levy will be considered at the next council meeting when they discuss their budget for FY24. City administrator Mike Nardini said that the actual levy that will be presented as part of the budget will be $10.20, which is the same rate that the city has had for the last 21 years.

The council also chose an architecture and engineering firm for the Community Center Renovation Project. The city has allocated $5.5 million for the project, which will include improving ADA accessibility, replacement of HVAC systems, replacement of windows, roofing repairs, building tuck pointing, and upgrades to plumbing and electrical systems as needed; and they officially awarded a contract to Schemmer, who has said they will provide services in the schematic design phase and the design development phase of the project, as well as cost estimates, construction documents, and construction administration. Their service fees are expected to total about $375,000 for this part of the project.

The next regular council meeting for the city of Pella will be held on April 18.


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