Raising money for Aria

A rare ailment is affecting a Knoxville couple’s infant daughter.  Aria Peterson will turn three months old next week.  Her father, Carson Peterson, says he and his fiancée, Alex Gibson, noticed rapid eye movement in Aria last month.

“Then it kind of progressed into the beginning of December, to where she was having what appeared to be seizures.  Her eyes would roll down and her body would kind of stiffen up.  So we decided to take her up to Blank (Children’s Hospital in Des Moines) and ended up diagnosed with the infantile spasms.  Infantile spasms are very rare. A total of 1200 children in the US every year are diagnosed with it.”

To deal with the infantile spasms, Aria needs a series of injections.  To cover the expenses, a Go Fund Me page has been set up.  You can find that information on Facebook at Aria Peterson’s Army.


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