Oskaloosa City Council meets Monday

Monday night (12/21), the Oskaloosa City Council will vote on abolishing its standing committees in favor of setting up ad hoc committees whenever necessary.  A worksheet prepared for the Council states an ad hoc committee can achieve similar outcomes to a standing committee without the long-term requirements.  The Council will also hear the results of an online survey regarding ATV and UTV use within the Oskaloosa city limits.  Monday’s Oskaloosa City Council meeting starts at 6 at City Hall.  You won’t be able to attend in person because of coronavirus concerns.  You can attend the meeting virtually:  Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82220133380?pwd=REEwT0puSGJYNUptKzQ0RzEwTStDUT09 Meeting ID: 822 2013 3380 Passcode: 117671 Call in: 312-626-6799


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